Planning for an Achievement (Pengantar Manajemen)
Sedikit Sejarah Tentang LBPP LIA
Tempat bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris LBPP LIA didirikan pada tanggal 7 September 1959 di jalan Veteran Jakarta Pusat, pada saat awalnya kegiatan LIA masih terbatas pada pengajaran Bahasa Inggris;
Pada tahun 1981, sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Luar Negeri, nama LIA diubah menjadi Perhimpunan Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (PPIA)
Pada tahun 1986 dibentuk sebuah yayasan dengan nama YAYASAN LIA yang secara hukum terpisah dari PPIA. Nama LIA bukan merupakan singkatan; dengan dibentuknya yayasan ini, diberlakukanlah pembagian tugas dimana PPIA menangani misi kebudayaan antar Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat, sedangkan YAYASAN LIA mengkhususkan diri di bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan.
Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan keterampilan, terutama dalam bahasa asing.
Menjadi pusat pembelajaran yang terbaik dan tersebar di Indonesia melalui berbagai program pendidikan dan sarana penunjang, terutama pendidikan bahasa.
Yang Sudah Diraih Untuk Mencapai Visi:*

1998 - LB LIA Pramuka - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2006 - LBPP LIA Bogor - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2007 - LBPP LIA Palembang - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

LBPP LIA Depok - Juara 3 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2009 - LBPP LIA Mercu Buana - Juara 2 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional
A self-sufficient language center
The growth of LIA and its role in English language teaching (ELT) makes it unique in Indonesia. The size of its student population easily identifies LIA as one of the largest non-franchised ELT centers. In the course of time, LIA has brought into focus standardizations of quality through continuous improvements in its academic operations and student administration. LIA is one of the few operators in Indonesia that has its own pre- and in-service training programs, designs its own curriculum and assessments, publishes and prints its own textbooks. Pre- and in-service training programs aim at developing and nurturing LIA teachers’ profile, FIESTA:
A magazine publisher as well
To encourage extensive reading habits in English, LIA publishes two magazines – Cool ‘n Smart (C’nS) for high school and college students, and C’nS Junior for primary school students. These magazines are part of materials used in LIA’s General English Programs:
- English for Adults
- English for Teens
- English for Adults
The English Proficiency Test (EPT™) & Business English Test (BET™)
Aside from the English language programs, LIA has developed EPT™ LIA’s which provides score prediction for the paper-based TOEFL. EPT™ has been used and accepted widely in Indonesia. Public and private institutions have set the EPT™ scores required for placements, promotions, scholarships, and admissions to Master’s degree programs. BET™ is the most recently developed proficiency test for business/workplace English. BET™ scores are LIA’s predictions for TOEIC.
The driving forces behind LIA
LIA owes its existence to the vision of its board of advisors who has steered LIA through all weathers, and a dedicated task force of more than 1,000 academic staff and teachers, 900 support staff who serve over 60,000 students per quarterly. LIA, in short, has come a long way from its inception 50 years ago.
A Commitment to quality learning
With its longstanding experience in language teaching and in its “golden” experience, LIA reaffirms its commitment to be the best and most widespread learning center in Indonesia through its educational services, especially language and other programs supported by state-of-the-art facilities.
* dikutip dari atas rekomendasi pengajar LIA Kalimalang yang diwawancarai : Mr. Asep
Tempat bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris LBPP LIA didirikan pada tanggal 7 September 1959 di jalan Veteran Jakarta Pusat, pada saat awalnya kegiatan LIA masih terbatas pada pengajaran Bahasa Inggris;
Pada tahun 1981, sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Luar Negeri, nama LIA diubah menjadi Perhimpunan Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (PPIA)
Pada tahun 1986 dibentuk sebuah yayasan dengan nama YAYASAN LIA yang secara hukum terpisah dari PPIA. Nama LIA bukan merupakan singkatan; dengan dibentuknya yayasan ini, diberlakukanlah pembagian tugas dimana PPIA menangani misi kebudayaan antar Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat, sedangkan YAYASAN LIA mengkhususkan diri di bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan.
Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan keterampilan, terutama dalam bahasa asing.
Menjadi pusat pembelajaran yang terbaik dan tersebar di Indonesia melalui berbagai program pendidikan dan sarana penunjang, terutama pendidikan bahasa.
Yang Sudah Diraih Untuk Mencapai Visi:*

1998 - LB LIA Pramuka - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2006 - LBPP LIA Bogor - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2007 - LBPP LIA Palembang - Juara 1 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

LBPP LIA Depok - Juara 3 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional

2009 - LBPP LIA Mercu Buana - Juara 2 - Lomba Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Nasional
A self-sufficient language center
The growth of LIA and its role in English language teaching (ELT) makes it unique in Indonesia. The size of its student population easily identifies LIA as one of the largest non-franchised ELT centers. In the course of time, LIA has brought into focus standardizations of quality through continuous improvements in its academic operations and student administration. LIA is one of the few operators in Indonesia that has its own pre- and in-service training programs, designs its own curriculum and assessments, publishes and prints its own textbooks. Pre- and in-service training programs aim at developing and nurturing LIA teachers’ profile, FIESTA:
Fun & friendly
Technology savvy
Autonomous & independent
Technology savvy
Autonomous & independent
Those qualities of the FIESTA teachers support LIA’s principles and features of language teaching and learning:
- Learning English is FUN
- Learning more than just English
- Learning how to learn
- Learning English is FUN
- Learning more than just English
- Learning how to learn
A magazine publisher as well
To encourage extensive reading habits in English, LIA publishes two magazines – Cool ‘n Smart (C’nS) for high school and college students, and C’nS Junior for primary school students. These magazines are part of materials used in LIA’s General English Programs:
- English for Adults
- English for Teens
- English for Adults
The English Proficiency Test (EPT™) & Business English Test (BET™)
Aside from the English language programs, LIA has developed EPT™ LIA’s which provides score prediction for the paper-based TOEFL. EPT™ has been used and accepted widely in Indonesia. Public and private institutions have set the EPT™ scores required for placements, promotions, scholarships, and admissions to Master’s degree programs. BET™ is the most recently developed proficiency test for business/workplace English. BET™ scores are LIA’s predictions for TOEIC.
The driving forces behind LIA
LIA owes its existence to the vision of its board of advisors who has steered LIA through all weathers, and a dedicated task force of more than 1,000 academic staff and teachers, 900 support staff who serve over 60,000 students per quarterly. LIA, in short, has come a long way from its inception 50 years ago.
A Commitment to quality learning
With its longstanding experience in language teaching and in its “golden” experience, LIA reaffirms its commitment to be the best and most widespread learning center in Indonesia through its educational services, especially language and other programs supported by state-of-the-art facilities.
* dikutip dari atas rekomendasi pengajar LIA Kalimalang yang diwawancarai : Mr. Asep
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